Friday, October 17, 2008

Big Boo Boo!!

So my parents just got into town late last night and they are on their way over to our place. They haven't seen Hayden since he was itty bitty and this is what they are going to see when they get here.

He's NEVER gotten such a horrible boo-boo in all his life. It's totally freaking me out - he won't let me put ice or a bag of peas on his head to help it feel better. He's not even complaining about any pain. Doesn't it look just awful!??!

How, pray tell, did this happen?? He had a blanket over his head and went running into the corner of the couch. OUCH!


Moghimi Family said...

Oh-my-gosh! I hope the swelling goes down soon. This is one of those times when you think "This could only happen to me!" I'm sure all moms of boys can relate. It is only a matter of time until Joseph has bumps like this one. Good luck!

Shawna said...

Oh my goodness! Ouch! Poor guy!

Alissa said...

sweet merciful... ow ow ow!

miles had one like that... it stuck around for a couple of weeks... hope you didn't have any portraits planned for him anytime soon, lol.

Anonymous said...

That is almost as bad as the one Andy got when my nephew chucked a bocce ball at his head. Isn't it amazing how resiliant children are?

Becky said...

Connor fell face forward into the corner of the wall just the other day. Had a goose egg not much smaller than Hayden's. If he's anything like Connor the swelling should go down in like a day or so.


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