Friday, October 24, 2008

Deep thoughts...

Been trying to put into words how I have felt in the not too distant past about life. About choices I would make for my children, my family. This post pretty much says it all. Though we have been "out of the rat race" for quite some time as a result of our financial situation I still feel that pressure and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds it crazy, silly, stressful and UNNECESSARY to keep running at super sonic speed without a clue as to where it will lead. I'm not suggesting a total "stand still". I'm just saying that it's a whole lot more efficient and productive to stand still while you listen to the Spirit to guide you in the right direction. Having no gas money or "discretionary" money makes it doubly easy to stand still. Times have been hard as of late, and it's only going to get harder... or will it? Perhaps it will just become quieter, slower - easier to hear the still small voice that will guide us where our Heavenly Father will have us go.

Check it out - she says what I mean in a much more interesting way...

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