Tuesday, December 4, 2007


We found a new place to live! It's super new and cool and uhh...wait...

What were we thinking? I'm taking donations for super sturdy child gates for the stairs. On the upside, my otherwise muscle-less legs will soon look like this!

How hot is THAT?!??
I know...you're all jealous, I know...
If you too would like ripp'n hot legs like these, come on over and help us move in!


Alissa said...

congrats! and where did you get that picture of my leg?

Dorothy said...

How fun to have stairs. You should definitely try sledding in a laundry basket. Always a rainy day fav!

Amy G. said...

Alissa - I'll never tell. But who knew you were a bodybuilder in another life?

Dorothy - Sheesh! You MUST have better insurance than I do! Though you have given me a genius idea for how I can transport my groceries from the first floor to the kitchen on the second floor! Can you picture this? - laundry basket + bungee cords!!! The eggs will have a blast!


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