Thursday, April 17, 2008


I went to my OB appt. and FINALLY heard our little baby's heartbeat. It was so cool - even the third time around. This one is a very active one so Michael and I both tend to believe it will be a boy.

While I went to the doctor, my friend Carlee watched Hayden... and cleaned my living room, playroom and kitchen! What the heck? How cool is that?! We were on our way out the door for some lunch when I just *had* to show her the cute new outfits I picked up for Hayden. I stepped into the laundry room in an ever so awkward, backward way and stepped on the vacuum cleaner, twisting my foot. It hurt like Holy Heck and then felt fine less than 5 minutes later. So we walked to Tijuana Flats and back without a second thought.

Later on in the evening however, the pain from earlier that day returned. I could barely walk on it last night. It's a little better this morning, but dang!

Amanda has been such a great helper this morning. She made a sippy cup of milk and waffles for Hayden, put him in his highchair and was totally taking care of everything *breakfast*. I love that girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Amy's little foot, hope it feels better soon!


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