I'm a new transplant to Central Florida. Before I moved here I lived in Laveen, Arizona and the differences between the education systems of these states is startling. I really miss the community of the Montessori school my daughter went to in Arizona, though I am finding that the standards and expectations of the schools here in Florida are much higher and it leaves me quite torn.
Sometimes I wish we could go back to Arizona - mostly because I miss my friends, my daughters friends and her school. I feel like my daughter is being suffocated with test after standardized test that will ultimates determine how she is labeled throughout the rest of her career as a student. And what bugs me more about these tests is that she was never properly prepped on how to "fill in the bubbles" nor was I informed prior to the test that she would be taking these tests. I personally think they are quite unreliable, especially when taken in the 1st grade.
And now my little girl (who I think reads quite well for her age) has been tossed into some "No Child Left Behind" program where she will be tutored once a week in reading. Apparently she is below grade level? What? The testing scores they gave me say she's between middle of 1st grade and 2nd grade.
Will she really be a smarter, better person because she is going to a micro-managed Bush Administration A+ school? I doubt it.
Really - What do I want for my daughter? Self-Esteem and a Love for Learning or High Standardized Test Scores....hmmm....
Oh, if only I had the temperament and patience to home school my kids....
I am so glad you left a comment1 We miss you... Buffy really misses Amanda! I can't imagine the crap you are having to deal with school wise. I hope you are liking Florida otherwise, I can't wait to read more!
We miss you guys too! Amanda tried to call Buffy last night. I heard her dialing the phone and asked her what she was up to. She said very matter-of-factly, "I'm calling Buffy - I miss her." Then I said, "Well you can't just dial any old number and get Buffy - you don't even know her phone number...". Then - "Mommy, I know her number - it's (I don't even remember what she said), I memorized it in Mrs. Easton's Class."
Needless to say, it was not the right number and boy was she frustrated about that!
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