This year for Valentine's Day I wanted to do something creative and special for my Honey Bunches of Oats.
Kendra, a friend of mine from AZ did this awesome Amazing Race for her hubby with about a half-dozen of her friends and was my inspiration for our first ever
We recruited a "host" to lure our boys to a "service project" at our church and once everyone arrived and the 15 minute project was done...BAA-ZINGA!!! He confiscated their wallets and $ and sent them on their way with their first clue, a gps, video cameras, totally sexy t-shirts and a bag of coins (mostly pennies) totaling five bucks... oh, and the
1. You must wear your uniform at all times
2. You must make a video of the events and each member of the team must be in the video.
3. You must have completed all the clues and the following tasks in order to win:
* purchase a gift for your wife using only the funds provided
* acquire a bouquet of flowers for your wife, without spending any money.
They were given a clue with GPS coordinates to their first location... the public library.
They each had to buy a book from the Friends of the Library cart...
a book that they believed their wife would enjoy.
The coordinates for the next location were taped to the donation box.
{favorite quote taken from the video...}
Kris, while holding up this book says,
" How to end your marriage by giving your wife this book!"
The next stop was the park, for the swinging contest.
The loser was required to run through the park
declaring his love for his wife.
coordinates to the next location were included
Paul nearly falls off!
and the loser is...
Next stop was an ice cream shop where the guys had to
They sang, "I'm a Little Teapot"
and then the car battery died.
4 large men and 1 small man
shoved into a Hyundai Elantra - is it any wonder?
The ice cream scooper lady had to help them jump start the car.
They waited till the end to figure out how to make a bouquet of flowers and ended up cutting up their clues into flowers and sticking them to tootsie pops that Kris had at his house. Michael managed to cut himself in the process. Kris avoided the scissors all together and used cupcake liners instead.
Our gracious "host" met the guys just outside my house and verified that they had completed all their tasks:
Congratulations! You have completed the Amazing Valentine's Day Race! You are the first team to arrive! (albeit, the ONLY team... but whatever!) As winner of the race you each get the grand prize! A dream date with your lovely, adoring, beautiful, smart, sexy and talented wives.
We were wearing coordinating t-shirts that said:
"I love my husband" on the front,
with personalized messages on the back.
We had a Salad Bar and Lasagna Dinner
Texas Sheet Cake, Soft Serve Vanilla Ice Cream and Eclairs for Dessert.
And of course we all gathered to watch the video.
We had games to play but never got to them
- the video was entertainment enough!
It was a lot of work, especially keeping it secret, but sooo worth it!
We all had such a great time!
The guys have made many comments about paybacks and retribution
- I can't wait!
Come back later for video clips and the recipe for the Texas Sheet Cake
... if Sara Lyn let's me have it! LOL!
ps. for those unfamiliar with what geocaching is, go to
We used this term very loosely, but you'll get the idea.
HOw fun! If I could only get some friends to join in with me on this, it would totally ROCK!
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